April 23, 2009

seasons of reasons

वो कहते रहे कि वजहें और भी हैं
तुम से दूर जाने की
हम अकेले खड़े सोचते रहे
इतने बुरे भी हम शायद ना थे

April 19, 2009

election ads on tv

i pity the BJP. no, no, i'm not a BJP-hater or a Congress lover. i'm only commenting on the apparent difficulty that the party must have faced in designing its ad campaign on TV.

the BJP ads are centered around the theme of majboot neta, nirnayak sarkar. now there are a few difficulties in projecting this as the theme.

(1) the only time BJP has been in power for a full term was five years ago. and five years is a long long time when it comes to memory of the masses. so they can't project their achievements then.
(2) the neta here, i.e. mr. advani, hasn't held the prime minister post ever. so again there are no established records of his majbooti.
(3) with all this, the theme translates to a mere promise. and promises are aplenty in any election.

faced with this, the only thing BJP can do is bring out the negative points of the Congress rule. this translates to the economic slowdown, mumbai attacks, poverty etc etc. contrast this with the Congress's campaign which is positive in every sense of the word, made possible by the fact that they are the incumbents. on television at least, i think positive has a distinct advantage.

a point here. personally, i'm not in the favor of using the mumbai attacks as a political issue in these elections. if the BJP is saying that had it been in power, the incident would not have happened, then i'm sure even the staunchest of BJP supporters won't agree with this (unless he or she supports the party just because it is a party). it makes little sense, then, to take political advantage of the suffering of so many people.

back to the main issue. except for the black and white ad that has an impressive recital as the background (somewhat like the gulaal songs), i couldn't find any other BJP ads scoring high on the creative level. i think the dialogue-based ads of Congress score over the song-based ads of the BJP when it comes to talking about issues pertinent to the nation. with big bucks at stake, i think the BJP could have packed in more punch in its campaign.

April 14, 2009

reasoned logic

when the day's done
and i run out of places
i could run away to
and the dark is like
a blinding light
tearing through walls
of reasons i've built
i think of you

there are reasons
i couldn't tell you
all that i wanted
there are reasons
we could never be
together as one
there are reasons
you had to go
the way you did
there are reasons
i have to believe
we'll never meet again

but i wonder
how i never run out of
reasons to love you
despite all the reasons

April 11, 2009

random notes

## i've begun a new series of nursery rhymes. for the following (not exhaustive) reasons:
[a] they are easy to write.
[b] i got inspired by the charlie waffles act in two and a half men.
[c] i doubt the mental age of people who read this blog.

## i would have been dead if there had been no discovery channel on tv. honestly.

## i have a strong suspicion that my parents are on a mission to make me add weight.

## i've figured that i can't make do with any plan other than the unlimited one when it comes to an internet connection.

## i keep hiding all the quiz notifications on facebook and still, people keep discovering new ones

## i have discovered that i don't have the patience to read books anymore. but i'm not giving up yet.

## i cannot understand how the roadies and splitsvilla shows on mtv have gained the popularity that they have.

## sleeping too much is NOT injurious to health.

lighted night

एक जुगनू मेरा दोस्त है
रोज़ रात को आता है
जब सब सो जाते हैं
वो मुझसे बतियाता है
चादर ओढे मम्मी से छुपके
हमलोग कहानियाँ बनते हैं
कुछ अंधेरे से, कुछ उजाले से
सुंदर परछाईयाँ सजाते हैं
फ़िर जुगनू उड़ जाता है
कल आने को कह जाता है
अंधेरे में साथ देने वाला
जुगनू मुझे बहुत भाता है

April 9, 2009

cadbury calling

मम्मी मम्मी भूख लगी
चॉकलेट खाने की ख्वाइश जगी
रूखा सूखा चावल दाल
अत्याचार की यही है मिसाल
अब थोड़ा प्यार हो जाए
एक मीठा चॉकलेट हो जाए


चींटी चीनीखोर है
मेहनती चटोर है
थोडी चीनी खाती है
लाइन बड़ी लगाती है
कोई जा कर उसे समझाए
स्वाद और भी आजमाए

fish fry

मछली जल की रानी है
पीती केवल पानी है
आगे पीछे ऊपर नीचे
तैरती बिन आँखें मीचे
मछली बड़ी प्यारी है
मेहनती बहुत सारी है
चुपचाप बिना किए कोई बात
भोजन ढूंढती दिन और रात
मेहनत की रोटी खानी है
उसकी यही कहानी है
सुंदर सलोनी सायानी है
मछली जल की रानी है