June 27, 2007

pan's labyrinth

caught in a labyrinth
it's just walls everywhere
i keep running and running
and it's those walls again
brick and mortar and peeling paint
all that's left of life
there are white walls
and there are black ones
but they are still the same
all of them walls...
there's no roof though
so i don't feel claustrophobic
the stars are so free
and they laugh at me
wink as i fight the walls
anger me further
but there's the TRUTH
a way out of this endless maze
i can't see it though
the stars might
i'll have to travel the labyrinth
a hundred times over
to find that path
but i'll do it
even if i drop down dead
the moment i step out
and of one thing i'm sure
i won't die
before i do that...

written in a PMIR class. a morning one it was. and i had to do this to stay awake...

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