November 25, 2008


the figure is 937, actually [:P]

a search without the quotes also gives only 2,570,000 results.

[comic from the fullpage comics gadget in igoogle]


sandeip said...

and "healthiest bread" gives only 1600...the magic of an extra letter :P

naween said...



Sunny said...

Once upon a time, I was told a zhoke...

If you're asked how many crows live in a city, give any random figure. If the other person says there are more, say that they're visiting the city from outside. If less, some from here have gone visiting outside.

Maybe Google had more results that day but some were dropped/added later by its crawler.

Maybe I shouldnt have spent so much energy typing all this out too.


naween said...


sahi bolta hai!

Anonymous said...

i second sunny

naween said...


in so few words?