i feel cold
it's not the watery expanse
that holds me tight
it isn't even the breeze
that chills the spine
i remember being warm
not too long ago
warm and cozy and cared for
and then, all of a sudden
i was pushed away
left to the winds
and now i feel cold
the cold of the distance
from the hand that healed me
the cold of the death inside
of all that i had held dear
and now i die here
in a pool of my own tears
the memories remain
of my green days
when i used to sway
to the singing winds
and my tree hugged me
and held me tight
when the song rose
and became a din
now i'm old
too weak to hold on
my tree had to let me go
but it laid me to sleep
here on this stream
i can still see
all my childhood places
and as i am
lulled to sleep
by the ripples
the singing winds make
i can see
my tree crying
it's a rain i'm happy
to drown in