February 16, 2008

today.. and yesterday...

the title song of u, me aur hum... perhaps the only good song in the movie...

अपने रंग गंवाए बिन
मेरे रंग में घुल जाओ
अपनी धुप बुझाये बिन
मेरी छाँव में जाओ
चलो यूं करें
तुम, तुम भी रहो
मैं, मैं भी रहूँ
हम, हम भी रहें
तीनों मिल के साथ चलें
यू , मी और हम...

reminded me of something i had written long ago...

and when there's too much love
and you start fearing for yourself
and wonder if you'll lose the 'i'
let your heart have its say
love isn't about winning/losing
you won't walk in her shadow
you'll both shine in each other's afterglow

[inspired by afterglow - inxs]

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