August 19, 2007


had only a glass of milk for breakfast. missed lunch. sleeping. sorta insomnia. spending lots of time sleeping. but getting no sleep. wakeful sleep. leaves me all weary. don't feel like doing anything. and obviously, there's lots to do. OB project. production assignment. QT test. room's a mess. have to download some songs. watch a movie. lottts to do. but i know i'm going to do none of these. i'm just going to sit here and think and mope and sleep and still not sleep. had repeated the same routine yesterday. then had a packet of hide and seek for snacks. let's see what they give for snacks today... if i sleep any more, i'll die. have a bad ache all over my body. and still i need sleep. head feels so light. maybe i'm going to faint. and then die. boy dies of hunger in a premier management institute. good headline it will make. boy dies of insomnia won't be as good. but what i'd love is boy goes into coma and comes out with amnesia. duh!!

i'm stuck in the middle of a dream. an endless nightmare.


Unknown said...

well i guess i know wht u need right now....go a long jog or play soccer and do something tht wll really tire u out physically....used to happen to me a lot...happens even now sometimes..cant sleep even though i lie the whole day in bed...hope it helps...


naween said...


me and physical exercise??? hahahahaha [:D]!!

Anonymous said...


naween said...


okki boss!!

Jade said...

September ninth is the target date now! :)

naween said...


if this continues till then, those headlines are surely gonna come true [:P]!!